Saturday, March 21, 2015

Me, Doing My Thing!

A few weeks ago, I was challenged to do (another) self portrait.  I think I got a good likeness, but need to warm up the colors some.  Maybe next time.

Red Bike in the Aspens

I just finished this . . . a funny combination: a red bike in an aspen grove.  Working to get good darks, I painted negatively to bring out the light aspen trunks.  I used some aspen tree photo references, but it was mostly from my imagination.

Pour and Negatively Paint

Recently I did this small painting as an exchange with another watercolor painter.  Much of the background was masked, poured and the middle and foreground was negatively painted.

Three new paintings

Last week in Richards Stephens' workshop I did three quarter-sheet paintings.  Here they are: